Fridays at work, and it was time for a spa day.
Most people at work have every other Friday off. You put in some extra hours during the week and then you are free for a Friday, or at least 2 a month. Your Fridays alternate with another co-worker in your department (for the most part) so most questions can be answered at least on the surface until the next Monday when that person is back in the office. I came into Clif semi-new so my partnered Friday was already chosen for me. I basically had to alternate with Jen F and she had her Fridays taken so I got the opposing Friday.
Jen didn't calculate her Fridays so well so starting during the holiday season, I had my Friday off, the next week was Thanksgiving, her Friday but I got it off as well. I had a Friday off, the next Friday was the holiday party, I got to leave early. I had Friday off , the next Friday was our Christmas Break, my off Friday fell on the Friday after new years, a day the company was supposed to work. MLK day came along, my Friday proceeded it, 4 day weekend, Presidents day, same story.
Needless to say, now that we are back on a semi normal schedule, no holidays or vacations in sight, my Fridays on take a little getting used to. This Friday was one of them.
After a good more then half day of work it was gym time with Wade. A little stressed out and tired from a longer work week (not just the extra day,Monday was a holiday), but just a tiring one, I walked into the gym happy to work it out, but also exhausted and not sure if I could handle another anaerobic workout.
Wendy was still sick, and originally we had an hour. Could I face Wade for an hour alone?
I walked into the office and Wade was smiling that huge smile he has when you can tell something is up his sleeve. And this time it wasn't because he had thought of some new torture system for me. (Well he did, but that wasn't the reason for the smile). It was cucumbers! Wade had described to Wendy and I, this relaxation method he had used with his partner. Cut up cucumber, put it in ice with towels, and cover your eyes. Pretty simple, I guess you can buy these cucumbers in the cosmetic department at a store, but seriously why spend more then the .99 cents and cut up the thing on your own.
Wendy walked in, defeated I think would be the best word, to talk with Wade about anything she could do to kick her cold or flu or SARS, whatever it is, and we told her to come back in 45 minutes she was taking part in the cucumbers too, even if she wasn't doing the workout.
With the Ting Ting's playing,
I attempted, 45 minutes of the slide board, something that looks like ice skating and literally kicks your butt, yes your butt, medicine ball throwing, jumping, pull downs, shoulders, and the infamous abs series, I think Wade and I are up to over 200 in the sequence. And I did it, with the help of girlie music and the encouragement of Wade.
Then it was time. Wade asked me to lay down, Shivasana, style, and placed the cold cucmbers and freezing cold towel over my eyes. It tooks a while to get used to, it was COLD, but thats the point I guess. A little Bon Iver in the background,
I got to relax, totally relax something I don't think I do often enough. Wade gently realigned my body and gave me a quick head massage. It was fantastic, you should all try it sometime, and the much better after a grueling workout. Wendy even said it was the best she felt for about as long as she could remember.
Thanks Wade!
What Abbs and Wade didn't know was that as I lay there with cucumbers on my eyes and Bon Iver in my ears, I actually cried because it felt so good. Sometimes those moments of relaxation are so welcome that your body just releases everything -- including tears. And while it was likely a simple gesture on Wade's part, it was huge for me. And as I sit here on Sunday night feeling better than I have in 2 weeks, I can reflect back that it was the cucumber moment that was the turning-the-corner moment on my cold.
Thanks Wade!
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