OK...I've been noticeably absent from this blog as well as many other aspects of my life of late. Abbs eluded it in her post, but she didn't quite detail the magnitude of the illness that has fallen on me for the last week and a half. I've nicknamed it SuperBug and it has infected me and many people I know over the course of the last couple months.
My theory is that viruses that try to infect a bunch of former athletes and super health-conscious people like those at CLIF/LUNA really have to bring their A-game to take anybody down -- hence, they're SuperBugs. Being a tad weaker than the rest, I seem like a ripe candidate for SuperBugdom. This is my second big cold since I started at CLIF last May and it's a whopper. If it's a cold/flu symptom, I've had it. And I've spent many hours and $$ in the cold remedy aisle at Longs Drugs and Whole Foods to no avail (see photo of nightstand above.)
The biggest disappointment is the training I've missed and the fear that any ground I've gained has been lost and I'll be essentially starting at zero again when I'm finally able to get back at it. I've been doing all I can to be ready for our first run at the infamous Dipsea Steps this Saturday, but as time marches closer and the clogged lungs don't improve, it's disappointingly seeming less and less likely.
This must be the frustration part of the journey I'm on. All I can say is wash your hands, people. And don't kiss strangers (which may be a good rule of thumb anyway.)
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