Wendy and my Breast Cancer Fundraising Dinner, aptly named The Breast Feed, is fast approaching. Less than a week from now, Justin, Scott, Ian and Jen will be cooking up a storm, and stirring up their passion for you guessed it…meatballs! (Ok so maybe you didn’t guess that part). And no, no one will be actually breast feeding, if there was any confusion on that side.
Months ago, in January, we learned we had to raise a lot of money for the Breast Cancer Fund, mulling over ideas we decided, why not talk to Justin L., fan of My Morning Jacket, self proclaimed walking EMO disaster, jiu-jituser, and most importantly lover of fantastic food, to make us a dinner. I personally would love for Justin to make me dinner every night, or just someone to make me dinner every night, (i have a tendency to think cereal makes a square meal). We asked him to make a big dinner, with 150 guests. He told us he’d talk to his cohorts in R&D and see what he could do.
A little background-
Here at Clif Bar we do this thing called the Big Dinner. Our event will not be the Big Dinner; it’s a little messier than that, I'm a little more on the punk rock side. But at the Big Dinner there are multiple courses or gourmet food, entertainment, and plates that cost a lot. But the plates are well worth it, with all the money going to a charity of choice. Last year it was The Mosaic Project, a nonprofit based out of Oakland, which helps young youth strive for peace in their communities. Well, the gourmet food is made by the chefs here around the office, with a big help from Justin.
After talking to his partners I got a reply, “April 23rd, let’s do this Sh...” So we were on. With one stipulation, there had to be meatballs. Justin and the boys are passionate about meatballs (his words not mine), and whats not to love about a ball of meat so we agreed.
Here’s the lowdown-
We are doing it slow food organic style. What does that mean exactly? The Slow Food Movement was started in Italy, basically to resist the opening of a McDonald’s by the Spanish Steps in Rome. It’s about using what is local to the region, using local artisans, local farmers and local flavors and taking the time to connect, back to food and our neighbors.
What does that mean for our dinner here? We are using local organic meats from Prather Ranch, organic sustainable poultry from Petaluma Poultry, chocolate from Guittard and bread from Acme.
J is planning to pick the produce that day from Monterey Market, a small produce market that focuses on bringing in season produce to Berkeley -- unlike our conventional stores where you can get grapes out of grape season and tomatoes in the middle of winter. So it’s sure to be the freshest, that’s what it is sort of all about. Picking what’s best at the time and planning your menu that way, versus planning your menu and trying to find out of season ingredients.
Tickets are still available so contact either Wendy, myself, or do it yourself.
And if you do end up coming next Thursday, remember to thank the chefs, the food will be fantastic.